DeacPost “LDA Students – Then and Now”

“Throwback Thursday”  On the third Thursday of the month, DeacPost will feature a look back over our 100+ years of service to the church and world.

LDA Students – Then & Now

“The towel shapes itself around the foot – the foot does not shape itself around the towel.” – excerpt from Deaconess Diane Marten’s article on Diaconal Education and Formation

In its early days, the LDA trained women as nurses and matrons to serve in Lutheran institutions. As American society and the needs of God’s people have changed, the LDA has responded – reimagining its training program to form and equip students in Christ’s call to serve in contemporary times.

To learn how the LDA’s formation and education program has remained flexible and adaptable through the decades, read Deaconess Diane Marten’s article at

Prayer: God of compassion, your Son came among us not to be served but to serve. We give you thanks for the women and men whom you have called to the diaconal ministry of word and service. Especially we pray for deaconesses, deacons, and diaconal students of the LDA. Give us faith to serve you with gladness; sustain us with a living hope, especially in the time of despair; and kindle in us your love, so that we see in every neighbor the face of Jesus Christ, our Lord, in whose name we pray. Amen. (Sending Prayer, Student Seminar)


The LDA: Preparing and supporting the whole people of God in Christ’s call to serve.

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