“O God, our caring creator, make us bold to trust you as beloved children.” The Diaconal Litany
When I was 10 years old, my family moved a short distance from the city of Chicago to a nearby suburb. The move was very traumatic. I had trouble fitting in to my new school and community. Like so many children, I was bullied.
As I struggled to adjust, I prayed A LOT. And even at that age, I was able to feel God’s love for me. I realized that if God, who knew me and made me in God’s own image, could find me worthy of being loved, I could cling to that love, even when others treated me as if I had no value.
The first time I prayed this petition of the Diaconal Litany, I had an “aha” moment, as I remembered those days long ago. And now, each time I pray it again, I connect to the many times that I found it hard to feel loved – or even liked! Then, I thank God again that God has made me bold to trust God as a beloved child. And I pray that I continue to be so bold!
Prayer: Loving God, continue to remind me that your love is unfailing and everlasting, especially when I feel alone and unloved. Amen.
Deaconess Cheryl Erdmann, Rockford, IL