What is Diaconal Service?
Diaconal service, or “service ministry,” is not something that we ‘do.’ It is what happens when someone’s deep desire to serve Christ comes to life.
The LDA believes that servant ministry can happen anywhere, in any setting. Our Deaconesses and Deacons serve in hundreds of different settings. —hospitals, schools, dance studios, and courtrooms; but servant ministry —also called diakonia— does not focus on what we do with our days, but how we serve others as we live them.
Our Partners
Partners and Friends
- Adult Lutherans Organized for Action
- Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
- Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
- LCMS Foundation
- Lutheran Community Foundation
- Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
- Lutheran Senior Services
- Lutheran Services in America
- Lutheran Women’s Missionary League
- The Lutheran Foundation of Texas
- The Lutheran Student Movement
- Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
- Valparaiso University
- We Raise Foundation
- Worship Anew