DeacPost “Under God’s Wings” Deaconess Joanne Grepke

I remember you upon my bed, and meditate on you in the watches of the night; for you have been my help; in the shadow of your wings, I will sing for joy.  My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me. Psalm 63:6-8  

It had been a particularly difficult year for me. Serious illnesses and deaths in my family, an escalating battle in our congregation, then being diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer. Facing the frightening specter of surgeries and radiation, I ran across a calendar picture with the verse from Psalm 63 verse beneath it. It was a photo of a penguin protecting its baby.

Perhaps you’ve seen the 2005 movie, The March of the Penguins. I was impressed by how the mother, father and all of the adult penguins work together to make sure the next generation survives and thrives. For me, it is a beautiful picture of what the church can be. It is also a beautiful picture of God’s care for each of us. For, just as the emperor penguins care for their young, trusting in Jesus’ care, I experienced God protecting me throughout my treatment. In its successful aftermath, I meditate on how God’s right hand upholds us as we rest in the shadow of his wings in the watches of our nights.

Prayer: Lord, help us to sing for joy because you keep us safe in the shadow of your wings.  Amen

Deaconess Joanne Grepke, Pensacola, FL

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