Deaconess Deb Lennox was consecrated in June 2008 and joined the LDA in June 2018. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Hearing & Speech Sciences from the University of Maryland. Prior to joining the LDA staff, Deb served as a parish deaconess in Rehoboth Beach, DE for 10 years. Deb also holds certification in Theology from Concordia University Wisconsin and is rostered as a Lay Minister in the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.
Outside the LDA
Deb serves on the Spiritual Life Team for the Southeastern District-LCMS and is a retreat, Bible Study, and workshop leader, specializing in women’s ministry and spirituality. She serves as the Administrator for Mid-Atlantic Lutherans in Mission, a non-profit grant making organization. Deb is also a trained Spiritual Director. Deb and husband, Todd, have two grown children, Bethany & Ethan and enjoy travel, watching football, and exploring the Finger Lakes in Upstate New York.
Why I love the LDA
The LDA is unique in that it brings together such different people who all seek to live out their calling to serve God. The LDA community supports and affirms each person’s unique giftedness. Being a part of community is not defined by one’s church membership or place of service, rather it is defined by one’s identity as a beloved, redeemed child of God who is called to be God’s hands and feet in the world. What a prophetic example to the world!
Favorite Scripture
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6
Favorite Quote
“Well-behaved women seldom make history.” – Laurel Thatcher Ulrich