May Days
“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” Rev. 22:13
May has been quite a month! A season is changing, and though the winter seemed too long, spring is finally blooming.
May has been quite a month. We have gathered for graduations and confirmations, baby showers and funerals. We have sent off students and welcomed visitors. Some of us packed our clothes and said goodbye for awhile.
May has been a month of “lasts” and “firsts,” of scatterings and gatherings, of endings and beginnings, of goodbye-ing and hello-ing.
We mark those moments of lasts and firsts, as it should be so. They are gifts to us in linear time. But God is an “always,” the A to Z, the beginning and the end.
Prayer: Come, Lord Jesus, be with us in the changes, challenges and celebrations of life. Amen.
Deaconess Diane Marten, Indianapolis, IN