Update on Search Process from LDA Board President
May 29, 2024
Dear Beloved Friends of the LDA,
Our search process for the new LDA Executive Director is going well! We appreciate the work of the Search Committee, which shares this update:
“The Search Committee is continuing its process as outlined by the Board of Directors. The Committee is conducting interviews in mid-June. Once we have completed the interview process, we will be recommending a name to the Board of Directors for approval. We are happy with the progress of the search, and are looking forward to interviewing candidates. This is an exciting time for the LDA, and the Committee asks for your prayers as we go through this process to find the next person who will lead the LDA.”
The new Executive Director will start on Oct. 28, 2024, allowing for overlap with Lisa Polito before her last day on Dec. 31. Thanks to your generosity, we are able to set aside some of the Phonathon funds to help the new Executive Director meet our constituencies and engage in planning with staff. In the meantime, Lisa and the staff continue their work, including preparing for the August Student Seminar and consecrations.
On behalf of the Board of Directors, I extend our deep gratitude for all the ways you support the ministry of the LDA.
Deaconess Jean Warren
President, LDA Board of Directors
Deaconess Lisa Polito to Step Aside as Executive Director of the LDA
Deaconess Lisa Polito, longtime Executive Director of the LDA, announced in July her plans to step aside at the end of 2024.
July 2023
Dear Beloved Friends of the LDA,
It’s time. I have loved nearly every day of my 22 years at the LDA! After leading this organization as Executive Director since 2008, it’s time for me to step aside and for someone new to love and serve the LDA. December 31, 2024, will be my last day.
A search team named by the Personnel Committee of the LDA Board is hard at work to find the next Executive Director. I’m excited about the new person who will lead the LDA and grow this ministry through faithful, generous people like you!
I treasure our friendship and partnership formed through our shared love of the LDA’s mission. And I’m still excited about serving these next 18 months and assisting in a smooth transition.
It’s time. I know God will continue to bless the LDA. Thank you for your love and support, and prayers for the work of the search team. The search team will have further details on the nomination and application process this fall; information will be posted on the LDA’s website, www.theLDA.org. If you have questions, please let me know.
Faith and Service in Christ,
Lisa Polito
Working Timeline, LDA Executive Director Search Committee
- July 2023: Public retirement announcement of Deaconess Lisa Polito.
- September 2023: Executive Director job description and nomination/application information sent to the LDA diaconate (Lutheran Deaconess Conference and Community of Lutheran Deacons). Call for nominations to the position.*
- Fall 2023: Lutheran Deaconess Conference, Community of Lutheran Deacons, and other LDA constituencies enter a time of prayer and discernment.
- January 12, 2024: Nominations due. Invitations to apply sent.
- April 8, 2024: Applications due.
- Mid-June 2024: Search Committee conducts in-person interviews.
- October 28, 2024: Intended first day of the new Executive Director.
- December 31, 2024: Deaconess Lisa Polito’s final day as Executive Director.